Be Sensible Please!!!

Taking responsibility is actually not merely taking a duty and DOING it...
Well... yes... it is more than that!
Imagine that you are in a situation in which you have to take care a bunch of human being and you just "DO THE JOB" without realizing that the "things" you are taking care of is LIVING THINGS!!!
Indeed that we have reasons to do things... but the question is... what would be the best reason underlying a person to do things?
The reason that makes a person can perform the task well, perfectly, and... sensibly... NOt by merely there to do the task.
The answer is actually easy... it is ALLAH that become the main reaon...
HE is the one who could make things (and let things) happen...
Then... again... I should learn how to make ALLAH as the sole reason for me to do things...
Hopefully... INsyaAllah...